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Working with YOU for Training in


ICTEC, or Indonesian Clinical Training and Education Center, is a simulation center located at Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital, Jakarta, Indonesia. ICTEC which commenced its operations in June 2010, is also under the umbrella of Faculty of Medicine Universitas Indonesia with Dr. Theddeus O.H. Prasetyono, SpBP-RE(K) as the inaugural director. ICTEC provides the highest quality of medical training programs for both national and international participants through the utilization of modern medical simulation facilities.

Teddy Prasetyono, M.D., PhD


Rabbinu Rangga P, M.D.

Manager of Medical Simulation and Research

Ns. Yuni Azizah

Manager of Nursing Simulation and Skills Competence

Mr. Sutarno

Manager of Administration and Operational

What makes ICTEC different from other center?

Some points of strength, our training facilities in ICTEC are built to a high national and international standard, equipped with multiple classrooms like simulation rooms, procedural rooms, mock operating room, mock ICU ward, fancy teleconference room, debriefing rooms, meeting room. We have various complete modern simulation and latest equipment like human patient simulators, laparoscopic simulator, endovascular intervention simulator and many more covering all fields of clinical medicine. ICTEC which belongs to the top referral hospital and high ranked world class university in the country, has also cooperation with some world class training centers out of the country. ICTEC started its operational along with the founding partners: ISTIH and CTEC of University of Western Australia.

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Front Desk

Seminar Room

Fully equipped Seminar Room and Webinar Room

Mock Operation Theater

International standard for training

Mock Ward

Fully equipped mock room for various workshops


To become a center of healthcare training and clinical simulation with international standard in supporting the academic health system

  • To provide infinite, assessable, and innovative learning experiences for medical practitioners and nurses

  • To provide research-based training programs that are certified nationally and acknowledged internationally

  • To implement strategic cooperation with professional associations and related colleges in order to create a standard for certification of national clinical training and simulation centre

  • To create best practice in management and organization system


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Core Value

harmony between the words and the act according to ethical, moral, and humanitarian

competent and responsible in carrying out task

serve with emphaty, sincere, and carring



integrated equality cooperation for educational purposes

Learning and Educational


generating the best creative, innovative, and sustainable


  1. To provide educational experience in term of clinical procedural skills to the trainee to be competent before commencing the procedure to the patients with fast acquisition of skills 

  2. To give the opportunity to the trainee in mastering and updating the most current clinical procedural skills

  3. To give the opportunity to the clinical experts in research in medical education

  4. To develop teaching and learning strategy in term of clinical procedural skills as well as broader field of clinical teaching

  5. To give the opportunity to the clinical experts in developing novel and innovative clinical procedures related to further clinical research for safer, effective and more efficient procedures

  6. To support professional organizations and educational centers organizing nationwide and international scientific meeting with exceptional programs in clinical procedural skills as well as potential support in continuing professional development to maintain certification.

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